 author = {Ali, Hazem Ismail and Stuijk, Sander and Akesson, Benny and Pinho, Lu\'{\i}s Miguel},
 title = {Reducing the Complexity of Dataflow Graphs Using Slack-Based Merging},
 journal = {ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst.},
 issue_date = {February 2017},
 volume = {22},
 number = {2},
 month = jan,
 year = {2017},
 issn = {1084-4309},
 pages = {24:1--24:22},
 articleno = {24},
 numpages = {22},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2956232},
 doi = {10.1145/2956232},
 acmid = {2956232},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Synchronous dataflow model, merging algorithms},