 author = {Gomony, Manil Dev and Akesson, Benny and Goossens, Kees},
 title = {A Real-Time Multichannel Memory Controller and Optimal Mapping of Memory Clients to Memory Channels},
 journal = {ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.},
 issue_date = {March 2015},
 volume = {14},
 number = {2},
 month = feb,
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1539-9087},
 pages = {25:1--25:27},
 articleno = {25},
 numpages = {27},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2661635},
 doi = {10.1145/2661635},
 acmid = {2661635},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Multichannel memories, heuristic algorithm, memory controller, optimal mapping},